from the in-flight paper -“Today is Wesak Day, commemoration is held at Borobudur Temple to mark Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and dealth。。。。。
五年前,我独自旅行到了Jogjakarta, 一睹响往已久的浮罗浮屠。它却现身处於目前回教鼎盛的国家。
那时的航班并不如现在的方便。 那天,一位司机,一位导游,一辆游客车里只有我这位游客。这是很独特的城镇,它同时拥有佛教和印度教的古迹。
佛陀的一生故事被刻画在浮罗浮屠的石墙上。"This temple was built 3 centuries before Angkor Wat in Cambodia, the Biggest Buddhist Temple in the 9th Century"
“啊?。。。。…………………..at the time of Borobudur was found, the temple was buried and Prambanan temple was damaged by earthquake on 27 May 2006“
我连忙坐在那些石头上,嘱他拍下Prambanan的真迹, 这被喻为 “the Most Beautiful Hindu Temple in the World”
五年前,我独自旅行到了Jogjakarta, 一睹响往已久的浮罗浮屠。它却现身处於目前回教鼎盛的国家。
那时的航班并不如现在的方便。 那天,一位司机,一位导游,一辆游客车里只有我这位游客。这是很独特的城镇,它同时拥有佛教和印度教的古迹。
佛陀的一生故事被刻画在浮罗浮屠的石墙上。"This temple was built 3 centuries before Angkor Wat in Cambodia, the Biggest Buddhist Temple in the 9th Century"
“啊?。。。。…………………..at the time of Borobudur was found, the temple was buried and Prambanan temple was damaged by earthquake on 27 May 2006“
我连忙坐在那些石头上,嘱他拍下Prambanan的真迹, 这被喻为 “the Most Beautiful Hindu Temple in the World”