我摇个电话告诉弟弟说,印尼之后,我即将飞往澳洲。他说,“你唔惊啊?听说个个从那边回来都中H1N1喔?”那也是的,香港的学校也停课了, 我不由得有点顾虑。
I talked to Mr.Sunny :” Don’t know whether go Sydney or not?”
“ ..Why not? You drop by Sydeny, visit the Zoo and get a harbor with seafood, have a nice holiday. There make no difference between the cities. Good luck..。 ”
Marie sent an instant message : ‘明海in China Town的盐焗鸡饭好好食“
Mr Fong sent an email and provided the contacts number of his classmate Mr.Ng and Gled Lai…. in case I need someone to help in 2 different cities……
也许没有人了解,我告诉阿Shim的是“就当我去练功生活营吧,试验一下。。。。”阿Shim交了一小包甘草和两个口罩给我上路, “这是善平收到上面的讯息,当有需要时,你就口含这甘草。。。。。”
当我来到悉尼,情人港里竟发现不到戴口罩的人。 整个星期晴空万里,在蓝蓝的天空中找不到一点瑕疵。只是黛安娜手中的闪光灯总敌不过灿烂的阳光,歌剧院前相中的脸孔总躲在影子里。