It is a national park 2 hours drive from Bangkok, but, its late Nov is cooler than Hong Kong.

On the way, you would pass the largest cow farm in South East Asia. You could try horse riding, making of fresh milk ice-cream, small and cute animal show time.

The next stop, you could visit one of the winery valleys in this country. I was informed that both the only two nationwide wine makers are attached with this winery. The barrel of making wine are imported from French and they are awards winner in international wine events.

There is a water fall national park named as '7 ladies', you can try to take a shot the crystal clear water. At the end, I was finally walking in the blooming sunflower field.
如果你不能抽空到 Khao Yai 一游,那么, 我就只好照原定计划带你去Siam Paragon 的地下層看五颜六色的米了。每当我看到连小小的米都可以红黄蓝青, 紫,和褐色出现的时候,就感受到生活其实可以那么的多彩。在其他国家,我还没看过人可以对米的欣赏那么的用心。